Living-Off-the-Land Binaries Cyber Threat Intelligence Driven


Certutil is a command-line utility that can be used to obtain certificate authority information and configure Certificate Services.

An adversary may use [certutil] to:
| Download files from a given URL | Base64 encode collected data | Decode binaries hidden inside certificate files as Base64 information | Install browser root certificates as a precursor to performing Adversary-in-the-Middle |


-| Type Image:certutil.exe in the below input and press submit


BITSAdmin is a command line tool used to create and manage BITS Jobs.

An adversary may use [BITSAdmin] to:
| Create BITS Jobs to launch a malicious process | Create BITS Jobs to upload files from a compromised host | Create BITS Jobs to upload and/or download files | Create BITS Jobs to upload and/or download files from SMB file servers |


-| Type Image:bitsadmin.exe in the below input and press submit

[MITRE ATT&CK: T1218.005]

Adversaries may abuse mshta.exe to proxy execution of malicious .hta files and Javascript or VBScript through a trusted Windows utility.

An adversary may use [Mshta] to:
| Execute malicious payloads | Execute a malicious hta file | Executed malicious JavaScript code | Execute HTML pages | Execute malicious VBScript | Execute DLLs | Download and execute applications from a remote server |


-| Type Image:mshta.exe in the below input and press submit

[MITRE ATT&CK: T1218.011]

Adversaries may abuse Rundll32.exe to proxy execution of malicious code.

An adversary may use [Rundll32] to:
| Execute binaries, scripts, and Control Panel Item files and to execute code via proxy to avoid triggering security tools | Establish persistence within Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder entries to execute malicious DLLs | Execute an initial infection process and launch a malicious DLL | Load a malicious DLL | Execute the Cobalt Strike Beacon loader DLL | Execute commands and scripts |


-| Type Image:rundll32.exe in the below input and press submit


Adversaries may abuse PsExec.exe to move laterally between computers on the company's network and install their malicious tools on multiple assets.

An adversary may use [PsExec] to:
| Remotely create accounts on target systems | Leverage Windows services to escalate privileges from administrator to SYSTEM | Download or upload a file over a network share | Writes programs to the ADMIN$ network share to execute commands on remote systems | Execute binaries on remote systems using a temporary Windows service


-| Type Image:psexec.exe in the below input and press submit


Adversaries may abuse the Windows Task Scheduler (schtasks.exe) to perform task scheduling for initial or recurring execution of malicious code.

An adversary may use [Schtasks] to:
| Achieved persistence via scheduled tasks | Created a scheduled SYSTEM task that runs when a user logs in | Run programs at system startup | Run malicious scripts on a compromised host (.vbe, .dat) | Downloaded additional malware including Cobalt Strike, PowerShell loader| Execute malware during lateral movement | Bypass UAC | Maintain RDP backdoors


-| Type Image:schtasks.exe in the below input and press submit

[MITRE ATT&CK: T1218.010]

Adversaries may abuse (Regsvr32.exe) to proxy execution of malicious code. Regsvr32.exe is a command-line program used to register and unregister object linking and embedding controls, including dynamic link libraries (DLLs), on Windows systems.

An adversary may use [Regsvr32] to:
| Bypass application control techniques | Execute a COM scriptlet that dynamically downloaded a backdoor and injected it into memory | Execute malicious scripts | Load malicious DLLs| Execute malicious DLLs | Execute malicious payloads | Run a remote scriptlet that drops a file and executes it | Ensure persistence at system boot | Run a .sct file for execution


-| Type Image:regsvr32.exe in the below input and press submit


Reg.exe is a Windows utility used to interact with the Windows Registry. It can be used at the command-line interface to query, add, modify, and remove information. Utilities such as Reg.exe are known to be used by persistent threats.

An adversary may use [reg.exe] to:
| Interact with and modify the Windows Registry of a local or remote system | Gather details from the Windows Registry of a local or remote system | Find/Extract credentials from the Registry | Check for installed software on the system | Retrieve proxy information in the Registry | Remove/Deactivate security settings eg.(AV/EDR/FW/UAC) |


-| Type Image:reg.exe in the below input and press submit

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